bQm Kulturcafé & Bar / SV (Schweiz) AG
You had me at bQm
8:00 – lecture starts. 10:00 – quick transition to another building. 11:30 – grab quick lunch. 12:00 – two hour exam. 14:30 – thesis discussion with prof.
18:00 – a cold beer is waiting at the bQm bar, like clockwork
The bQm Bar is one of the most iconic venues of the Swiss Federal Polytechnical College (ETH). It has its own unique flair. Well known and loved amongst students, teachers and tourists alike.
The collaboration between temu studio and the bQm is a very long one. We’ve been there for the first website launch in 1998 up until now. We’re honoured that we had the chance to redesign the website 17 years later!

The bQm leadership in collaboration with the SV Group were adamant in maintaining artistic freedom from external stakeholders when developing the new bQm Bar website. This constellation allowed temu studio maximal creative license. That way we could preserve the “soul” and the independence of the bQm bar.

Technical requirements
One key requirement consisted in implementing a content management system, which could be operated by the bQm crew itself in a quick and simple fashion, without technical knowledge.

The freshly redesigned Website, with its artistic flair and quirky content perfectly encapsulated the spirit of the venue.
When the management changed in 2019, so did the Website and went in a more corporate direction. We still treasure the memories of the times we had together. Viva bQm!